Driving from yard to ferry - a whole work day?

I’ve seen it written that you can interrupt a “normal daily rest”, but never seen a link to interrupting a reduced daily rest or to a weekly rest.
So, in absence of contrary evidence…

No. You can’t interrupt a weekly rest period.

I’ve no doubt people have done this as they say. I’ve no doubt they are honest when they say they have been controlled with no bad results.
That still doesn’t make it legal.

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Franglais and Whelmic, I see where you guys are coming from however bear with me.

When I have done 45 hours rest my weekly rest is over and at time 45 hours and 1 minute I am not interrupting weekly rest.

You guys I understand hold the view that once you start a weekly rest, it continues to be a weekly rest until you next change mode on the Tacho which could be days, months or even years long.

Vosa documentation explains 90 hours rest together over Sunday night can count as two separate weekly rests for two separate weeks and not as one that runs on and on continuously.

When the control checks for weekly rest he looks for a portion of normal rest that meets the 2 qualifying criteria.

  1. Is it required?
  2. Is it long enough (24/45)?

Any additional rest hours are just rest.

Let’s say I have already completed my regular weekly rest for this week and start work on Monday morning.

I get another 45 hrs rest Tuesday and Wednesday. Was that a weekly rest?

Not really because of point 1 above unless I decide later that I will now run for 6 days straight and thus need it under point 1 above and it was long enough under point 2 above.

In other words regular weekly rest is any suitable and required 45 hours section only of a rest period in that week.

Any extra hours are just rest and I guess that’s why The Man doesn’t say …sorry drive but you have interrupted your regular weekly rest at Hour 70 to get the boat.

Apologies for being a bit long winded, I need some of Tachograph’s superb skills.