Brexit and the driver shortage

Tomorrow, Saturday 20th is just another day for Londoners. This time it’s a march by the People’s Vote Campaign. Various estimates of turnout suggest it could be a fair sized rally. Even The Guardian, the home of the Remainer, puts a figure of 100,000 on it. The PVC have even launched an advertising campaign on the London Underground ahead of their march. However this is a direct contradiction of the TfL guidelines for advertising on the tube which clearly states that an “advertisement will be unacceptable if it promotes a party political cause or electioneering.”

But with Sadiq Khan, the London Mayor, due to address the march tomorrow, that’s no great surprise. He’s become quite adept at abusing his position to bypass the rules and decisions of London’s governing bodies.

And the march is to be handsomely funded. Firstly by the European Alternatives with a grant of €300,000, and secondly the European Movement with a grant of €350,000. Both of them EU Commission organisations using your money in order to bribe the marchers to support the EU’s continued existence.