People finally coming to their senses?


What’s wrong with second referendum, it’s not about voting until results come right, it’s about making an informed decision on the outcome of the negotiations, deciding whether we are going to be better or worst off.


It is because any subsequent referendum sends the message “Your vote doesn’t count first time, if it’s not what We, at Parliament - want”.

What next? - We vote an MP out in a future election, only for them to be “allowed to stay for ceremonial reasons” by the EU - because the winning electoral candidate is a Right Winger that cannot be countenenced by the EU?

… Or Jury Trials are done away with, because the public cannot be trusted to vote 12-0 on the cases the government wants you to find guilty, like sticking Tommy Robinson in jail forever for speaking nothing but the truth?

…Or the fact that even Brexiteers won’t vote for a stitch-up, and any “second meaningful vote” is likely to be along the lines of "Do you want (1) THIS stitch-up where we stay 99% in the EU or (2) To drop Brexit altogether or “Don’t vote” and the MPs will keep us in with the support of the 48% who of course WILL vote!

The result of the referendum - has to be final. We’re still waiting for the “Weigh In” though, and thus have yet to be settled up with.

Two years on, and so far - the only benefit from “voting” Brexit - has been the boost to exports caused by the drop in the pound.
Otherwise, progress has been scant. It is clearly obvious that Parliament doesn’t want to do it, and hopes that they can waste enough time that we’ll get tired of waiting, or die off because they mistakenly think that the 52% are all over the age of 70 FFS… :imp: