People finally coming to their senses?



Agreed. There was an almighty slump in 1975, right after we were fooled into joining the EEC. Property prices crashed, The stock market crashed, unemployment started to rise sharply, and inflation took off as well. Four years later, this country was on it’s knees, and voted for Thatcher to make the “Nasty” decisions to get us out of it…

A) I was commenting on your historical inaccuracies.

Thus the “History” as you see it, and I saw it - are going to be different.

So your view of history is that we didn’t join the EEC in 1973, the Conservatives weren’t in goverment at the time, labour didn’t win the 1974 Election and had as part of their manefesto that they would hold a referendum on EEC membership, which they did in 1975 or Margret Thatcher was pro EEC membership when she became PM in 1979?