Check and Use Your Trailer Brake


Wheel Nut:


Wheel Nut:
Where was split coupling mentioned Mavis? failure to use the trailer brake seems to be the reason for the accident

if it wasn’t a split coupling then the pin should have been home and a handbrake on - how could the trailer roll forward ? Only a split coupling has the potential for this .

It was a drawbar, A frame drawbar with 2 axles

why did it roll forward then ? It wasn’t coupled up correctly - a simple check would have revealed the pin wasn’t in before moving in to connect the suzies. OK so it wasn’t a artic and trailer but what I said still stands - split coupling is dangerous and has to many chances to go wrong . In this day and age where health and saftey is such a big issue there is no excuse for having to be on a catwalk between a unit and trailer when there are easy and safe ways to couple up .

SImilar can happen with an artic trailer if it’s dropped high and the driver doesn’t realise the pin has rode over the top of the fifth wheel. If it’s on a slope when it airs up if the driver’s still on the catwalk it will roll into the back of the cab.

In reality the main safety issue is excluding loading bays not ever dropping trailers on any kind of slope rather than always applying the parking brake per se.