People finally coming to their senses?



Which part of.

The ‘Labour Party’ ‘‘votes two to one’’ ( in favour of Brexit ),obviously including Benn,Heffer and Shore among others,at a conference specifically concerning the matter.But which was ‘somehow’ then over ruled by the main remainer players in the form of Wilson,Callaghan and Jenkins with them predictably choosing instead to ally with remainer Thatcher among other Cons.

Doesn’t supposedly fit what ‘I said’ ?.

that is was Labour Party policy!

There were many in the Labour Party and Labour movement as a whole who didn’t want us to be members of the EEC, that I have never denied, but it wasn’t official policy even after the vote.

As I’ve clearly shown by all normal defintions the 'Labour ‘Party’ voted 2 to 1 for Brexit in the 1975 referendum campaign.I’ve never denied and in fact agreed that the ‘Labour administration leadership’ supported the Con opposition in the form of Thatcher and Heath being the main players in that campaign on the Tory side having defeated Powell.Which was my point being the question why.IE conspiracy seeming to go right to the top in the form of the Head of State.Unless she can answer the question why would the Head of State allow HM government to hand over the sovereignty of the Nation to a foreign power without calling treason and sending in the forces ?.