People finally coming to their senses?



Margret Thatcher wasn’t anti EEC/EU she wanted the trade benefits, but was more skeptic about its social polices. During the 1980’s leaving the EEC was Labour Party policy, not the Conservatives.

Leaving the EEC was also ‘Labour’ policy during the 1970’s assuming you followed people like Shore,Heffer and Benn not Jenkins,Wilson and Callaghan.

Was it in thier election manifesto in the 70’s? Was it actually party policy?

As I said it was clearly split along those personality lines with the Labour Brexiteers being a lot more credible than BoJo etc.Heffer’s correct conclusion being that it’s impossible to be an internationalist without maintaining the idea of the nation state.As opposed to Jenkins’ and Callaghan’s predictable obvious Soviet Socialist type view of Europe.Which then of course allied itself with Conservative Federalism in the form of Thatcher in the 1975 referendum and here we are now around 40 years later still arguing over Nationalism v Federalism.Which as I’ve said is historically rarely settled peacefully let alone democratically because Federalists don’t do democracy or secession.