Favorite Routiers and other European Truckstops

After several years of double manning in the world of F1 where we had to use hotels as unless you work for Eddie Stobart as the teams have always decreed that drivers should have a decent sleep and shower especially when you were a lot more than just a truck driver, eg tyre or fuel technician, I now drive mostly on my own (apart from the fact there are usually several of us running together) except for the occasional back to back race where we have to D/M. So it is nice to be able to find a good Routiers en route and enjoy a good meal and a drop of vino in company without having to move on and find a hotel. We cab it for which we get a bonus as it saves the team a hotel bill and it’s nice to find that some of the old haunts are still open and thanks to apps like Truckfly find some new ones. By the way Stobarts drivers get about the same money as the UK and have to spend every night in the cab even when at a race.