Eu referendum whats your vote

Chas Malthouse:
I see that there is still one or two who think we should leave, such a lost cause.

Think there are more than one or two think we should leave actually it was the majority but I have wondered if we were in control of our own laws and immigration and did not have to contribute such large sums of money to the EU gravy train weather the outcome of the vote would have been a different one but now just cant wait to leave and I for one hope there is no deal so we do not have to bow to there extortionate fee for doing so.
For sure what ever the outcome life will carry on and trade with the rest of the EU will continue as both need each other so why every one is worried is beyond me and if it all goes ■■■■ up you will have the pleasure of saying I told you so and of course vice versa if I am right, Buzzer.