Tommy Robinson, saint or sinner?


Another chart: This one shows how the odds on there being an election in 2019 (3 years early!) have been shortening over the previous days and weeks…

This makes sense. How can this government stand up if Brexit isn’t complete by March 31st 2019?
Either May goes, or there will be a vote of no confidence, and the entire government falls.
Because it is already a minority government, May is effectively only held in place by the rest of the Tory Party’s reluctance to bring her down - because it would almost certainly trigger that early election!

The betting money suggest that is exactly what is going to happen, though!

As a betting man myself - I believe very strongly that the betting market is MUCH more informative to watch than any biased “opinion poll” out there. This is because it represents hard cash being staked upon whatever result one is interested in. :wink:

When a politician says “I’m not a betting person but…” - imo you can safely ignore anything else the idiot has to say from then onwards! :stuck_out_tongue: