I'm sound going forward!

I was the same. In a couple of weeks you’ll be doing it no problem. My first day I had a crowd laughing at me. Just ignore them and don’t rush. Get out and check as often as you like.

Yup I had an audience of mechanics having a bit of a giggle when I did the 1st one that’s why I creased up laughing myself, I just shrugged my shoulders and started again.

“I remember my first real world supposed 90 degree reverse - think dog chasing its tail backwards and you get the picture of what actually happened.”

This is exactly what it feels like, a few hours on the reversing pad will sort me out. I agree that the test situation is nothing like real world work I know that from my cat C, I’ve never done a reverse at any drop like I had to do on my test. Normally got to negotiate badly parked cars, forklift trucks, abandoned stillages, a fence here a wall there watch out for shutter door they never open fully!!! Lol