Brexit will achieve nothing

“Let’s do something we’ll call Brexit, - but it’ll actually be Remain on harsher terms than before.”

F… that. :imp:

It’s becoming increasingly clear and likely that the whole bs Brexit scam was all just about removing the possibility of UK Nationalists supporting their European allies and counterparts.By getting rid of any UK Nationalist PR elected representation in the European parliament while maintaining all the rest of the status quo.On that note it’s obvious that this was always about the question do we want a Nationalist Europe or a Federalist Europe and Brexit was just a tactic dream’t up by the Federalists in the form of Cameron and Hammond in that regard to isolate UK Nationalism from European Nationalism and in doing so to keep power away from it and actually strengthen the hand of European Fedralism not weaken it.IE do we really think that our ideologically Federalist parliament was ever going to vote for anything which would help and strengthen the hand of European Nationalism in the form of proper Brexit. :bulb: