Lowfield Distribution (Sainsburys) Middleton, Manchester


Heres one for you Paul taken at Middleton in 1992

That’s Kermit. :smiley:

0This was the yard shunter at Middleton for many years from around 1983 to 1995.
It was painted green and was called Kermit by all the drivers and staff.
It is pictured on the wash coupled to a trailer being cleaned out internally with the steam cleaner
that’s why the front end is so high up allowing all the water to drain out.

I did quite a few agency shifts at Middleton intermittently over the years that it was open despite being turned down for a full time job in 1982, I actually applied before they started advertising having seen an article somewhere,probably Commercial Motor, about Lowfield Cool opening the depot.

One particular period I got the call on a Friday to do a nights shunting regularly, 2 weeks on the trot the tug was defected and I had to use one of those ERF’s with the Gardner engines, ■■■■ near choked me to death, eventually told them that if the tug was defected again I would turn around and go home, can’t remember if I was ever asked again but I did several more regular jobs for them.

Made some good money when they reopened the depot again after closure for the run up to Christmas for a couple of years.