"The Donald" President Trump


The thing is we all know Trump has many skeletons in his cupboard and a fair few that seem to have escaped, but then so does almost every other global politician and major business leader. However the constant media witch hunt, especially in the US media over Trump is getting boring now, it could even end up being counter productive.

I think I know what you mean about Trump news getting boring, and about it being “counter productive”. He is such a master of spin that all he has to do is say “fake news” and his core supporters love him more every time another skeleton starts rattling! They assume all accusations against him are fake. Nothing he is likely to say is going to convince his opponents that he is a worthy leader, and nothing seems to disillusion his followers.
It`s about as divided a situation as it is possible to be. Very strange.

How lucky we are to live in such an harmonious society as exists here in the UK.


The polarisation of society isn’t just a US and UK problem, but seems to be across the board in what is traditionally considered the developed countries, this isn’t the fault of Donald Trump or Brexit, they are merely the outcome of the growing divide between those with global power, money and influence and us ordinary people.

Then throw into the mix those that think globalisation is a lovely thing where we’ll all be holding hands across the World, like some 70’s Coke advert, when what globalisation really means are those in control pitting the workers of the World against each other to keep their jobs, leading to wage stagnation and a reduction of employment rights, while the corporate leaders increase their wealth and power.