Bit of advice?




Gutted to say someone ‘with more experience’ is going to do the job. Which I am really gutted about. I’ve just got back from a 14 hour and 45 minute day so am broken. However I will focus my energies on trying to get a Euro run. This is something I was really looking forward too - and whether good or bad would have been an experience I’d never forget. Onwards and upwards - it will happen at some point. I’ll just be more prepared when it does.

The agency have tried to sweeten the deal with a weeks night work… No thanks.

Best thing to happen tbh!

Honestly though, how is anyone gonna learn without doing it? This week is my second time in Glasgow in my life yet I’ve learned things like, don’t park on that green bit outside ‘grill on the corner’ and leave a pallet on the floor so no one blocks your tail lift. Might sound daft but until you’ve done it, how will you know?

As I pointed out in the other thread, we don’t send even experienced drivers out on their own abroad. Send them with someone else for a few trips until they are comfortable with everything.

Just small things like getting on the train, it’s a bit awkward especially as a new pass, but watch someone do it and then have a co-driver giving advice the first time, is much easier all round.

Definitely the best way.
Taking SammyMs post at face value, I wonder how many companies doing Eu work would even consider sending an unknown agency* driver away, let alone a new pass? It seems they have covered their needs now, but I wonder what was going on there? At our place we have a few younger drivers starting on the Eu work we have. The drivers have been doing UK work so are OK with vehicle size etc. Not double manned, but sent out "in convoy" at first: two trucks, (one with an experienced driver) going to the same places, seems to work OK. Then a few runs on the easier runs before being let off the leash. With mobile phones its possible to give instant advice on routes, safe parking and all the rest of it.

*Agency drivers can be good or not, I`m referring to an unknown one.