F this, F that - drivers and swearing

I think you’re exaggearating mate that ‘‘Almost Every’’ trucker it’s ‘‘Every Other’’ word

I was responding to that.

It’s probably more like every fifth word.

It’s a minor irritant. A fly in the ointment. But I thought it was worthy of a thread and I’ve found the responses interesting.

I’ve decided to view it as some kind of unconscious ■■■ obsession that some people want to force on me, a kind of verbal intrusion. I don’t mind what people’s preferences are, altho I’d prefer it if such things were consensual. The offended bit is about people wanting that level of interaction without respecting the feeling might not be two-way. I’ll just cut conversations short if people don’t want to respect that. I accept I work in an industry where ‘there’s a lot of it about’.

With the Guardian reader I did say to him I was surprised someone like him spoke like that and he said, as Winseer said, it was just environmental influence, and I think I did make him think about it. I think it’s good if someone wants to challenge things like that!

I like what Radar19 does - matching himself to his interlocutor.

Thanks for everyone’s input. All your answers have given me a reality-check and helped me see the issue in new ways and from new perspectives.