W.H.WILLIAMS (spennymoor)


Carl Williams:

Well Carl, you can be as long winded as you like (for me) always enjoy reading your memoirs. Looking forward to the next installment. Was the pictured RL petrol or diesel? Loved those 5 litre straight 6 petrols, such a sweet noted, smooth engine.
Regards, Paulycats

It was orriginal in every way and low mileage Petrol. More about it to come.

Carl those six pot Bedford petrol engines when set up properly and in good
condition if an old threepenny bit was perched on the rocker cover and the
engine left at tickover would stay there all day, a bit of useless information
but what the Hell, Carl can’t wait for the next installment, good reading.
thanks harry, long retired.

Hi Harry

It was the success of the 6 cylinder Petrol engines in the S type Bedfords of the 50s and their Army equivelent RL that established their reputation that drove the success of the TKs that replaced them. Many people poke fun at Bedfords but they sold by the millions and not many drivers of a certain age can claim never to have driven one