Salisbury alleged Russian connection [Merged]


The idea that in this case diplomacy will work and the normal rule of law will sort it out cannot be achieved while you have Russia and China vetoing any suggestion put forward to try to resolve this situation. Should Assad end up being forced from power he will end up seeking refuge in Russia where he will stay until his death.
The UN is passed it’s sell by date it has stood over more atrocities than it has solved, in the same way the Europeans did nothing over the Balkans, to many people with interests that do not necessarily benefit those who are enduring the slaughter. The Balkans was an ideal opportunity for Europe to show the world that it could solve problems in it’s own backyard yet it took the intervention of Clinton and the American military to put an end to the killing.

On the Labour party the reason you do not think they are loons is because you agree with what they are saying, to me that doesn’t make you a loon just someone with a different opinion something that it is increasingly difficult to hold in the current Labour unless you agree with the leadership.

How can you say diplomacy ‘won’t work’ in this case bearing in mind that it’s the west which is doing all the provocation of Russia.From sabre rattling on Russia’s borders to claiming the Ukraine and Crimea as part of the EU let alone the ridiculous idea that Assad is the problem in the Middle East and the Saudi savages and their sub contract nutters like Al Nusra are the solution.

As for the Balkans you do know that US and the UK actually bombed the zb out of Serbia in support of the Bosnian Islamic rabble.Followed by the just as idiotic US government of the day ordering Brit forces to attack Russian positions who luckily for us all actually refused the order.The result of all that being that ISIS is now deeply entrenched in Bosnia using it as a base to attack Europe.That worked out well. :unamused:

You sound like a brainwashed deep state May and Blair supporter.

Lol and you sound like someone form the left who resorts to name calling as soon as someone disagrees with you.
I agree that the EU has been foolish in courtship of Ukraine and that Putin would never stand for it, I am fully aware of what went on in the Balkans are you saying that because they were muslims then it was ok for the Serbs to massacre them? A massive bout of ethnic cleansing went on in the Balkans as Serbia tried to maintain it’s grip over the Balkans after the break up of Yugoslavia. Massacres that over the years various European leaders said would never happen again on European soil yet those same leaders stood idly by while they did. An early intervention by europe could have halted that and perhaps with it some of the hatred that some muslims feel towards the west, but as is the usual case in Europe when it comes to defence only France and the UK are prepared to put their money where their mouth is. One of the reasons the Balkans dragged on for so long was also due to the ineptitude of the UN. Study the UN’s history it’s only peacekeeping mission with any degree of success was in Cambodia where in return for peace, the peacekeeping troops infected the locals with HIV which until their arrival was hitherto unknown in Cambodia.

As a foot note to the incompetency of the UN the next country due to take charge of the Chemical weapons department is Syria as the saying goes you couldn’t make it up.