Nick wheller/euro bulk liquids

Well I has a brilliant year, a year!! Now its close to gone. Owes all over Europe to garages, tank washes, even in UK garages, that do really good work he stuffs. DVSA over drivers like a rash, you cant utilise motorways that go by VOSA stations. No insurance to cover damage!! Dodgy clean certificates so you carry CAT3 oil out bring FOOD OIL in to Liverpool or Wednesbury !! Bulgarian drivers all got no pay for 8 weeks up to Xmas, they gone now, some were good guys. Tractors sold off to RAY WHITE, but Wheller still runs the odd one. All tanks are BTW. Even know of a trailer that got nicked, insurance paid out trailer reappeared with different T number was 45 now 4 sold now to company in Brighton as waste tank. He is a disgusting, piece of [zb] and I am surprised that he is still drawing breath as I know there is a group that wants his DAD and HIM. ,

What a difference a year makes!