Long Departed Southampton Hauliers (Part 1)

Hi Charlie,

Well spotted,just out of shot is Mappo who loads her trailer for her while she goes shopping, I think there is something going on between them,but I don’t know what she sees in a Shorts,Sandals,and Socks wearing old boy with 2 million in the bank :unamused: :unamused:


Good morning Richard.I wasn’t going to mention this. However I think that you could be right.
As we all know Mappo is a bit of a babe magnet. Also when Angie is mentioned he stammers and
goes all dewy eyed. Anyway enough of the gossip. I have a small statement to make. I’m getting a bit
fed up with Buzzer talking about his livestock. I am investing in some myself. Well one to be exact.
Yesterday I was down at the Blue Cross at Hedge End. And I have adopted an elderly West Highland Terrier
Bit of company in me old age. Regards Charlie :laughing: :laughing: