Canada...illusions and info

Ah right, that makes more sense. I saw a VNL860 earlier and I thought surely not all that hp!

You did a fair bit of staying away in Europe before you went to Canada though, right? So that surely helped you settle in. I wouldn’t have that experience. It’s not so much the living in a truck that gets me, it’s the lack of decent places to stop and get showered/cleaned up and something proper to eat…running out of time or whatever in the UK and,…well you’ll know yourself… you find yourself sleeping in a layby with doggy bags hanging from the branches.

Do you have to pay to park at the truck stops over there?

TBH it sounds like the working is pretty full on, a way of life even. I pull my weight for sure (S/Employed too coming on 5 years this June) but I really need down time. I appreciate you telling it like it is.

PEI looks beautiful. I have family on the Isle of Skye, if I brought my binoculars I might see you :smiley: