Did you take time off for the Australian or Japanese flu?

I’ve noticed increasingly over recent years that there doesn’t seem to be anything like a light cold anymore.It usually seems to be the same thing of an agonising sore throat followed by silly amounts of zb produced by the body in defence and reaction which always ends up with equally silly amounts of clogging of the lungs.To the point where it seems like the cold and flu viruses maybe among others have combined with each other.Probably as expected with medical science having given up trying to find a way to really defeat and wipe them out.Also have to wonder if there hasn’t been some human manipulation going on among the bio weapons tech nutters which has managed to get out.

Also notice the difference in the US routine treatment regime.Starting with a throat swab and identification of exactly what they are dealing with and then treatment with either anti virals or anti biotics if possible.While here all we get is whingeing about anti biotics don’t treat viruses,yes we bleedin knew that,but no word let alone offer of anti viral treatments at an early stage.

Instead of which the NHS prefers to put people off and wait until it gets so bad that they end up in A and E and possibly intensive care with pneumonia.Among other complications like it all turning into meningitis or scepticeamia etc etc. :unamused: