Has the country gone soft?


Freight Dog:
The most embarrassing thing I heard about the weather this week was a reporter on BBC news blabbing “everyone is engaging the blitz spirit”. It’s snow ffs not bombs blasting London to pieces.

Schools have been closed twice in last 6 weeks here. Once for 3 days when it got a bit windy and this week when it snowed.

In other news my iPad news feed popped up a news bite “we’re taking our wives’ names when we marry because we’re a new generation and we do things differently”

Yup, country is on the bones of it’s arse.

This country reeks of fear. Fear of not being ’ liked ’ on Facecack. Fear of DVSA. Fear of being sued. Fear of having a home repo’d. Fear of being out of work. Fear of being labelled a racist. Fear of coming off benefits. Fear of bleeding everything.

It’s about time in this country that folk got a grip.

Country should be called United Kingdom of daft ■■■■■■ It’s an embrassement.