Staying away

Hi guys And Dazeruk this is a question I’ve been searching for on here too and as coincidence has it.

Dazeruk Company is the one I had a test drive with on Friday I was offered a job on the spot and also advised told that as part of my kit from day 1 I should have an overnight bag with me.

Ok to add to the above questions?
What do you overnight guys do on your daily downtime as it can’t be sleeping all the time. Normally when I finish work I feed me face then go on dog walks run or are playing in my garage.
So just after an inside view as what the semi pros trampers are up to…
Cheers Guys

Firstly I apologise as I’m sure this has been asked many times.

I’ve started a new job and it’s an ideal job for me I love it.

I’ve been asked to have a night away or two nights away bags tramping bags and bits I have a day bag with maps and stuff in but what do you guys carry for an away bag

Thanks in advance

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