Owner Operator CPC (Transport Manager)

I did mine last year

If you are doing the classroom course don’t expect to turn up, get killed by PowerPoint and then pass the course. It’s called certificate of competence for a reason. Not certificate of completion.

I went overboard with it because I’m not great with classroom based stuff, I forked out for a home study pack (worth every penny!), and I did a 2 and a half week classroom course with the exams on the last day. I was fairly switched on and I scraped a pass, but you might be different!

In other words prepare like mad. There are three guaranteed subjects on the case studies: drivers hours and records
(I think, someone might correct me though)
So brush up on those parts and you’ll stand a good chance of a pass. A good practise is to download all the past case studies and go through them, even though they are all different they do give you an idea of what to expect and what to brush up on.
Go to the OCR website for all those.

And please…for the love of all that’s diesel… do not listen to all the morbid/given up on life/failed when they tried/old divorced people on here who are about to come crawling out of the woodwork very soon to tell you how it’s a waste of time and too much stress. This is one of the easiest games there is, you just have to know how to play it

Good luck pal.