Calling all brexiteers please sign this if you aint already

Oh Carryfast, you’ve truly gone beyond caricature! The “Saxon” model was one of constant external conquest due to abject weakness. You want to turn the economic clock back a thousand years, and turn the basic patterns of people’s lives upside down. You’re in Khmer Rouge territory.

No the Saxon model was what gave us England and our language and our English flag and the basis of of our society which the Franco Norman conquest didn’t entirely manage to destroy.While it was obvious that I wasn’t referring to turning the clock back 1,000 years.I was just referring to returning to a model which provides for more local democracy than what we’ve got under the present Federal Franco Norman inspired mess.Let alone making that Federal mess an even larger,more remote and centralised mess in the form of the EU.IE all I’m saying is that English MP’s shouldn’t decide what happens in Scotland and vice versa with any National decisions preferably made subject to National referendum.While MP’s in Mercia etc or even Councillors in London shouldn’t decide on specific local matters like development policy in Surrey,Sussex and Kent and vice versa when that should be left to the local Councils and locally elected councillors and preferably local referendum ( Shire Moot Court ).Let alone French,Italian and German MEP’s rubber stamping the decisions made by unelected dictators in Brussels.

Which leaves the question do you also view the SNP as allied with my views ?.If so how can that be possible when they share your views on EU membership and foreign European rule.While if not then how do you explain that contradiction.Oh wait the SNP aren’t really Nationalists at all just a bunch of lying Socialists masquerading as Nationalists.While the Khmer ‘Rouge’ were just another bunch from among the spectrum of Socialist/Communist.As such closer to your ideology than mine.