Dhl Thornton's at Langley mill

We don’t have full time vacancies that I know of currently.

During peak for Xmas we ramp up with shed loads of extra units trailers and rigids hence agency always after drivers. Come Jan it will go back to our normal staff and all the extra vehicles will be de hired. Then again we ramp up for Easter and go though the same process rinse and repeat every year.

We also do Ferrero since they move it all to us from Daventry so we do have a larger workload now.

Retail is hard graft as has been mentioned in rigids, handballing the pallets up stairs, down stairs and into stock rooms and stacking it all labels facing out. We have a couple of trailers for some shop runs but they are usually done by certain drivers on nights out.

The rest is all depot to depot for consol loads so another DHL site who then deliver the loads.

The rest is RDC’s and the usual suspects along with collecting raw materials, butter, sugar etc and packaging etc.

It’s not a bad place to work if you don’t mind the work, your left mostly to get on with it, not constantly hassled and most runs are pretty easy and straight forward.