Class one salary 27k



Pat Hasler:
I have voiced my opinion on the wages in the UK many times. 27k is a disgustingly low wage. I have been out of the country for 18 years and before I left 27k would have been a low wage, The last year I worked for Fed Ex in the UK, 1994 I made more than that, the last job I did in the UK I made over 35K
I make $80k a year here which at tonight’s exchange rate is 60k and even I find it hard to get by. How on earth you men get along on such poor pay I will never understand ?

You earn 60K and struggle to get by?!
Maybe you’re living beyond your means…60k per year equates to a hell of a lot of money per month,around 3.5k per month!!

Erm, not wanting to be an ■■■, but 60 divided by 12 = 5k per month, which makes your point even more damning.

Maybe he meant in your hand after stoppages. 60 is about 3.5 in your hand for standard tax code. Not sure on stateside tax.