Tesla Electric Artics


So what do members think of the Tesla Electric Artic vehicles shown today, it had to come I suppose, rather dull looking machines though! Franky.

Well IMHO I believe all this “excitement” about going Electric is a load of un-achievable Bollox because there isn’t going to be enough generating capacity for domestic and business use in coming years never mind powering vehicles ! So how many more power stations will be needed to power all these electric cars and commercials ? Wind farms are OK but if it blows too hard they are switched off or if it isn’t blowing they are U/S. It’s pie in the sky as far as I can see, well in our lifetime anyway :frowning: Cheers Bewick. PS “CF” will no doubt put us straight in the fullness of time !

While agreeing that we still have a really long way to go before electric technology out-performs the old faithful internal combustion power plant, it strikes me that broadly similar remarks would surely have been made when Otto and Diesel were struggling to develop their new fangled ideas. Batteries will eventually be made lighter with charges lasting longer and the “interested parties” will persuade the majority of us of the benefits of electric traction. The only question is, “When” not “If”.