Sunday N/Shift and Fixed Working Week / 10hr Drive

As I understand the Regs Daily Driving time is accumulated between the end of one Daily /Weekly Rest period and the start of the next daily / Weekly Rest period. Therefore, the Daily Driving period commenced on the Sunday prior to the FIXED WEEK DIVIDE and so that 9 hours 30 minutes driving is actually allocated to the Sunday which would make it the 3 rd increase.

But I doubt very much that you’ll be able to find a link to that information.

The regulations say “the daily driving time may be extended to at most 10 hours not more than twice during the week”, there is no guidance that I know of from either the DVSA or the EU commission to say which day the daily driving time belongs to when working over-night, therefore it’s reasonable to assume that it’s the time that the daily driving time is extended that matters, in other words if the 9 hour daily driving time is extended after midnight Sunday the driving time is being extended on the Monday not Sunday.

If you do 9 hours driving up-to 01:00 Monday morning then continue driving clearly the daily driving time is being extended on Monday so that would be one daily driving time extension in the second week.

As I’ve said, there appears to be no guidance from either the DVSA or the EU commission on this issue but I’ve never heard of anyone getting an infringement because they interpreted the EU rules the way I’ve said here, i believe it would take a court case or an EU guidance note to finalise this issue.