18 Year Old Wannabe

ding ding ding you sir are going to LOVE what I’m about to say.

I, being 18 years old and a full cat C license holder, have found it extremely easy to get work. I passed on the 18th of August and was employed doing a fairly decent job and paid well within 2 weeks. Okay, the company might not be the best out there, but I top at 9 hours a day and get £3000 a year bonus for good attendance and no crashes! :wink:

I really would love to help you out if you have questions, so please do feel free to message me and maybe we can help eachother out. Of course, this is just my situation and you may find it more difficult to find work if you live out in the countryside etc, but as an 18 and 6 month year old, I can assure you, that there are companies out there that will employ you.