High Speed Foreign Plate Lorry

Well I seem to have stuck a cord
my speed was on cruise control 56mph
as I said he went past as if I was standing still
I’m trying to down load the dash cam
will post it if I can get it up & running

Does anybody on this site think that what this guy did was dangerous■■?
at that speed in neutral what control would he have if a yokel pulled out on him without looking
I’ve been driving for a long time & can judge speed & distance he was going twice the speed I was
My dash cam has given up the ghost so no evidence
Sorry for being normal

Originally he was doing 90mph
So to quote you.

“my speed was on cruise control 56mph”

“he was going twice the speed I was”

So what was his speed as you’ve now said he was doing 112mph and also how do you know he was in neutral?
Looks like you haven’t picked up all you teddies yet have you?

Sent from Platform 9 3/4