Tommy Robinson, saint or sinner?



If you have an open mind, ie one that hasn’t been taught what, not how, to think by the current education system nor by the state broadcasters and others in the pay of the likes of Murdoch, then please view this video (Tommy Robinsons banned speech) and then think how easily what has happened to him could happen to any one of us.

He’s no saint any more than any of us are, he’s a rough working class bloke who as a young man saw what was happening in his home town and to his own kith and kin, and wanted to do something about it.

If we as a nation survive in our present form what is coming, and history is truthfully written, he will be vindicated and receive the public recognition he deserves.
We’ll need a bloody lot more Tommy’s before what’s coming is over, 10,000 turned out in London at the weekend in the Football Lads Alliance march, if you read listen or watch the MSM you won’t know it happened.
As Mr Churchill rightly said, the first casualty of war is the truth.

I respect Tommy, not sure if i have the ■■■■■■■■ to go through what he has and still keep fighting.

I saw as much of the video as I could, I have a poor internet connection.
I’m still a bit unsure about Tommy Robinson, he does come across as a reasonable intelligent person, but so have many smart suited politicians who have turned out to be con men, hiding their real agenda until it’s too late.

This brings me to my next point, in his video he says he’d been banned from giving the speech at several universities, it seems (well we already know :cry: ) that our universities have a censorship system to stop people from expressing views not in line with the accepted opinion by the “great and good” :unamused:
But surely if Tommy Robinsons views are wrong then they should be challenged in debate, in that I mean proper debate not just shouting racist every time he says something. If these people who continually tell us what we should think and what we should say are right and as smart as they think they are then they’ll have no problem proving him wrong.

But then as the Clash said in “Know Your Rights”

You have the right to free
Speech as long as you’re not
Dumb enough to actually try it.

What the video shows is the corrupt and unjust hounding from the authorities, all with a clear agenda. The way they hounded him out of Cambridge and frightened his kids was absolutely disgusting. Watch some of his other videos. He’s been constantly harassed and beaten by some members of the Islamic community. And whilst the liberals may find it unpalatable, he’s got evidence and facts to back up every part of it. Liberal condemnation doesn’t trump evidence and facts, unfortunately for some