Celebrity Snuffles 2017

But at least now some are being recalled to answer for their part in murders.

Strong statement from a man who caled McGuiness “A good fellow”. Amazing how you can justify his use of murder as “ok because the end justified the means”
The hypocrisy is truely astounding, even by TNUK standards

Anyway I’m done with this thread, and this site, too many brainwashed squaddies

Oh that old chestnut. I posted something like a ■■■ and when people point out the holes in my theory and the hypocrisy in my statements im giving it the “Im done with this thread” get out clause to avoid digging a bigger hole and try to keep my moral high ground.
Sorry mate, boredwivdrivin, chester, roaduser66 and the like already dulled everyone to that get out cluase and it doesnt work anymore. It only works if you dont actually tell everyone youre not responding anymore
You’re just a ■■■ giving it billy big ■■■■■■■■ with his opinion who ■■■■■ himself when anyone gives it back.
Youre entitled to your opinion of course but you could have at least stuck it out instead of chucking your toys out of the pram like a pansy