volvo fl10s.....

Stirling 9509:
Following on from a previous post on FL10’s, here is my first and only Volvo FL10.
First registered on 1st August 1987 which was a Sunday, it done our local carnival as it’s first job.
Next day, it was off to Liverpool docks from Norwich for it’s first proper load. I back loaded road salt from Middlewich for Norwich.
A good run for the lorry and it never used any oil. I covered over 100,000 kilometres in the first year and was very little trouble.
The only problem really was the dipstick got stuck in the sump so had to be fixed by dropping the sump off under warranty and replacing the tube and stick.
I left the company after having the lorry 18 months. Unfortunately, in 1990, the lorry rolled over and it was broken up for spares and eventually cut up.

wow your reg and mine were so close mine was E143 OAH I will have to scan some of my old pics