volvo fl10s.....

Hiya… I had this thing for 6 years and thrashed the living life out of it(I hated it)but it would go from Chester to Aylesham in 6hours 10 mins fully layden.
to this day i dont know how it got from a-b so quickley when it seemed to be passed by everything under the sun.Going up windy hill it was down to 30 mph.
But it never seemed to break down.I did 675000klicks and it only had tyres/linings and front drums.I had a 3300 space cab DAF before this lump of crap.
maybe the roof extension version FL 12 was a better truck… it did look quite nice…little story…when i first got the fl i woke up wanting a pee all my gear was on the passanger seat and the drivers seat was tilted forward.QUICK DO SOMETHING so i peed in my bowl then i put the bowl on top of the telly rummaged around to open the drivers window.then looked for the bowl YES i’d knocked it off with my elbow and pee was running down into the passanger side floor well it would have been less trouble to have just peed in the sack.GOD I HATED THAT TRUCK.


Hi,I remeber you!! You use to go to ECC in Beverley then later on we use to delivery it our selves to you. We use to run F12s out of there.