US vs Canadian truck drivers

If I leave Sunday evening I can get to Vancouver Tuesday night, tip and reload Wednesday and be home by Friday afternoon without breaking a sweat, even in winter if Mother Nature behaves herself. That’s more than enough miles to earn a decent wage/rate and gives a nice balance between work and home, in my mind that’s the best “long haul” run of them all, although I prefer my turnpike runs to Alberta.

This week after being at home since Monday I left on Saturday, took two trailers to Calgary, delivered them both, then took them empty to Medicine Hat, split them and took one to Lethbridge, switched it for a preloaded trailer, went back to Medicine Hat, put it behind another preloaded one and started heading home, I got as far as Regina and then switched with another driver who had a truck issue and took his two trailers to Saskatoon, delivered those and then ran empty to Whitewood SK, split them and ran an empty to Yorkton SK where I switched it for a rejected empty, went back to Whitewood where I dropped that, picked up the other empty, went to Yorkton again and switched that for a preloaded one, back down to Whitewood, hooked it all together and went back to the yard. A nice productive week and I’ve made myself available to go out again on Sunday evening, so plenty of time off too.

If that doesn’t say everything about choosing the Canadian scene v the Euro and possibly now even the US ones,nothing does. :bulb: