Saviem's fan club (Part 1)



Lawrence Dunbar:
Harry Im quite partial to Escargots with a touch of Garlic, Then washed down with a Fine Chardonay, Have you ever tried them? Regards Larry.

Larry, I only ever having reached the rank of lorry driver never to achieve the adulation
of being a haulage contractor the best I’ve done with that sort of thing is plastic tray of
Tubby’s whelks bought down the Smoke at Gardeners Corner when held up due to a taxi
driver hooking his cab on an Atki front bumper I tried swilling them down with a can of
Cola but was still chewing the bloody things climbing up Archway, but I am as previously
stated partial to a few “willocks” and a can of lager on Whitley Bay Promenade.
thanks harry, long retired.

PS, if you don’t come from or live anywhere Tyneside (willocks) are indeed snails but from
the sea and for the uninitiated the real terminology is winkles but Kevmac and Larry both
knew that them being proper Geordies like lol
thanks harry, long retired.

Yes “H”, winkles, mussels, whelks and snails, bloody horrible things. Makes my stomach heave just thinking about them, along with jellied eels and tripe :cry: :cry:.Regards Kev