Saviem's fan club (Part 1)

Lawrence Dunbar:
Harry Im quite partial to Escargots with a touch of Garlic, Then washed down with a Fine Chardonay, Have you ever tried them? Regards Larry.

Larry, I only ever having reached the rank of lorry driver never to achieve the adulation
of being a haulage contractor the best I’ve done with that sort of thing is plastic tray of
Tubby’s whelks bought down the Smoke at Gardeners Corner when held up due to a taxi
driver hooking his cab on an Atki front bumper I tried swilling them down with a can of
Cola but was still chewing the bloody things climbing up Archway, but I am as previously
stated partial to a few “willocks” and a can of lager on Whitley Bay Promenade.
thanks harry, long retired.