Lorry Driver Spends £6K On Bigger "Member"


So he spends 6k on enlarging his knob, he puts his picture up in the national press, he gets it done, boasts about it being ‘■■■■■ size’ and then sends pics of it on wots app to every [zb] that he knows. :open_mouth:
Yeh he sounds a normal everyday well balanced guy, and not strange at all :neutral_face: and he drives 44 tonnes on the road everyday, no cause for concern whatsoever eh?

Might be a class 2 driver worrying about his willy compared to ours :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t be ? us class 2 don’t get paid enough to afford to flitter away £6 k :frowning:
where as a class 1 with frilly curtains and bling on the other hand :wink: :grimacing: