Compare the UK trucking to Canadian

I came here in ‘07’ and very thankful I did then, when jobs (LMO’s & TWP’s) were plentiful.
Before that, I lived month to month in the UK and had nothing because of previous circumstances beyond my control.
I couldn’t get ahead at all and when the opportunity to come over here to work, I grabbed it.
I spent 3 1/2yrs living in the truck, got married my first year here, got me and wife’s PR and wife moved here and am now a Citizen.
We had 2 houses built in Thailand and are buying a decent sized house here and a newish car in the garage.
I still live mth to mth but have a hell of a lot more now than I ever did.
I now do a local run, mon-fri, 4 times 108km round trip loads, of water into a bottling plant, a day, anywhere between 11- 14 hrs & home every night.
I get a good hourly rate and time & 1/2 over 8hrs & gross $1600+/week.
I hated mileage pay with bonuses for this and that, never new what I was going to make week to week.
The way things stand over here now, in regards to LMIA’s & TWP’s, if you have a half decent job in the UK, I would stick to it and maybe in the not too distant future, with this new Govt, things could change again.
Take in what has been said by NMM & Robinhood above about moving here with family.
Anyone alone, get’s a chance, I would say go for it.