Electronic logs

What I am saying is that you don’t actually need to take a full 10 hours off duty before starting again and therefore the 14 hour rule does not apply.
I can give you a recent example of how the 8 hours sleeper worked… On Wednesday I had a 23.00 appointment at Ben & Jerry’s in St Albans VT, I left Yonkers at 14.00 giving myself 9 hours to take my time and get there, I had it worked out to deliver then go home, which is 2 hours south of St Albans and take 10 hours, after getting to about 70 miles up I-87 I got a call saying they had full tanks and could I deliver at 06.00 next day, after getting the call I had thought of stopping on the way up instead but at my house the snow and ice would mean there was a chance of getting stuck and waking people up at 2.30am didn’t appeal to me so I went all the way up, I arrived in St Albans at 21.00 and went in sleeper mode meaning I could start again at 05.00 and get the 8 hours in, I started after the 8 and drove round to B&J’s, although this was way over the 14 hours without a full 10 hours off, it gave me 4.5 hours driving and 5.5 hours duty, I left B&J’s and went home, instead of taking 2 hours I then took the full 10 off.
My point is that using this method you can actually just have 8 hours off provided you start the 8 hours with time still available. I didn’t need to take just the 2 hours.