Eu referendum whats your vote

The truth is we haven’t a clue if we will be better off or not coming out of the EU, we don’t know the nuts and bolts of the whole shebang, even the politicians don’t know so I’m baffled as to how they will guide us on how to vote. I know there will be plenty of people of our standing, whether you want to call it working class or not depending on what that means these days, that will vote no simply because all we hear about Europe is how they dictate our lives from Brussels and a no vote might mean not letting anyone we don’t want into the country which I believe will be very doubtful to succeed. In the end we probably won’t see any difference to our lives whether we are in or out I might just sit on the fence with this one as I don’t know enough about it. Franky.

This seems to be the case with my friends and neighbours, nobody REALLY knows what will happen one way or the other! You have Richard Branson on the news yesterday saying that we should stop in because all the bad points have now been sorted out to Britains benefit and we will no longer be ruled by the EU, a couple of local folk who work at a Midlands car factory have heard rumours that the company will pull out of Britain if we come out and others will follow, yet the vast majority (or so it appears?) want out! :confused: I asked my missus, she hasn’t a clue what it is all about anyway as nobody has explained it either way and there must be thousands more the same who just couldn’t care less as they have ‘had their life’ and have no real interest in any of it as they are unlikely to be affected to any great amount either way really.
