
You mean you chucked the job you loved, then went back tramping or chucked the job because of how you felt??
Very understandable about the danger of losing your license. Some antidepressants can make a person feel worse and then it can become a vicious cycle . It would be so much better if you could talk to your wife about it though. Maybe she doesn’t realise how crap you are feeling.
I’m sure I saw a link on here ages ago giving advice and help with this sort of thing.
Hope things work out for you soon.

No I actually got laid off from my job, then decided to go back tramping with a new company and couldn’t deal with it… It’s made me question everything to be honest, I some times wonder if I even want to drive anymore (and I grew up around wagons it’s all I ever wanted) it’s unreal how much it can impact your life, and really sad.