Saviem's fan club (Part 1)

A “heavy” pair I’ve spotted at a Daf workshop in Perpignan :sunglasses:


Hi Patrick

Lovely motors those are.
The first one, if not modified (especially the headlights in the radiator grill) will in all likelihood be a TRH320 with Berliet’s naturally-aspirated V8. This would date her back to somewhere around 1974-1976. Very small chance she might be a straight-6 TRH280 but those were extremely rare in 6x4 execution.

Second one is given away by her beige dashboard and would thus be a representative from the very early days after Berliet + Saviem became Renault Véhicules Industriels or RVI, so somewhere between 1981 and 1983. She might be a straight-6 turbocharged R310, but i presume more likely an R360 with her turbocharged V8, the direct successor to Berliet’s TRH350.

I expect John “SAVIEM” in his Renaultphile will put me right somewhere on the above… :blush:

Very, very well-kept vehicles in any case. True eye candy.
Thanks for having posted these pictures.