Axminster transport


David Miller:
Please note that in the Truckline brochure that DeanB has posted the Axminster 89 even has the yellow headlights. Now there’s a proper company, duly respectful of National regulations. Was it yours Dennis?

I’ve just realised that about 95% of the people who read this will be saying to themselves ‘yellow headlights, what is the silly old [zb] going on about?’ Well it was a while ago I suppose. But who remembers how cross they used to get with vehicles that had white lights?


no david unfortunately the f89 was not mine .think the driver might have been henri who held the record for the fastest time from chard to poole ferry terminal with hanging beef . Having loaded there yourself not the best of roads to travel and always pushed for time to catch the boat . I had one of the Renaults at the time comfortable enough machine but could never match the f89 for power. Dennis

Dennis, what was the record then ■■? :laughing: