Gall Bladder


Literally just had mine out, advised 2 weeks off minimum by consultant, but felt actually comfortable after about 2 and half weeks. Even after that long I’m not doing heavy lifting for another week or so.

A nurse mentioned some insurers won’t allow you to drive a lorry 6-8 weeks after having it done but I never followed up on that, rather take it as hearsay.

Bloody glad I had it done tho, beats having gallstone attacks on the job, few times had to pull over and puke in a layby

Do you find a difference already?
Must say yesterday and today i have been feeling great and eating normal amounts again.not greasy foods.

Definitely a difference straight away, when it first started happening it was now and again and only after fatty foods, by the time I was due the op it was virtually every other night sometimes back to back. After a day of soup and bread I was back on the pasties pizzas and burgers no problems. To be honest I never really changed my diet before though, just put up with the pain if it happened, I’m a stubborn ■■■■ like that.