Shipping out of and into Poole

Shipped out of poole on more than one occasion in the 70,s, remember the push pull plane didnt they used to give you 200 free ■■■■ if you flew? I remember the Spanish never would. The ship with the portacabin on deck for drivers accomendation was that the Armorique ? Spent over 28hrs on the " cocoa tin " one time in bad weather lying off the Channel Isles getting nowere in fact we were probably being blown backwards ( that was a good start to a trip to Gib ). The last time I saw the cocoa tin she was in Ramsgate , Worms shipping had started a new service and offered big discounts to encourage new traffic I had booked to ship came down to the dock took one look and turned and went to Dover! I remember that for a short time they had a ship with German captain and Turkish crew , watched it coming into Poole one time with a list on that defyed gravity, they shovelled some of the waggons off it that time. Happy days.