Lorries with 13-speed Fuller Roadranger 'boxes

it doesn’t matter which hand robert . strangely enough i learned to drive on a gmc 6x6 lorry , so i am ambidextrous with a gear lever . i agree with you that the fuller sat naturally in your hand and changing gear just happened without thinking about it . dave

You’re absolutely right about the hand Rigsby (or left about the hand for that matter!). I too am ambidextrous with a gear lever. I’ve worked for companies that have had both RHD & LHD in the yard and some days I’d drove both (not at the same time, you understand :open_mouth: ). To complicate things further I’ve run RHD and LHD cars so even getting home after a trip was another reorientation experience. Puts hairs on your chest does that - well, I’ve got six on mine, and they’re loose! Robert :smiley: