Ancliff Tankers Manchester

As previously mentioned, Frank Houghton, the Yorkshire, fleet engineer was an awkward old git and very acidic. We used to have a pretty, slim, youngish woman on the switchboard. One day, Frank was very stressed and things weren’t going according to his plan. All of a sudden, he rushed out of his office and up to the switchboard sliding window in a very angry mood. I heard him shout at her- " Listen! I’ve told you before. If you don’t put my calls through first, I’ll come in there, turn you upside down and drop it in soft!" I was an innocent 17 year old and was quite shocked to say the least.
On another occasion, one of the garage supervisors who’s name escapes me ( thin face and glasses?) came in through the back door from the garage lent in through the same girl’s window and said, " Morning Spanner face, will you put this call through to Stan Bains." She said she would but asked him why he had called her spanner face. He replied-" 'Cos every time I look at you, you tighten mi nuts up!"
How things have changed. You daren’t even call a women “Luv” now for fear of complaint. A sad state of affairs don’t you think?